Saturday, March 30, 2019


 To understand my personality better, I took 5 online tests: Jung Typology Test, All About You: The Big Five Personality Test, The Race Test, The Gender Test, and the Attraction Test.

So.. the Jung Typology Test basically asks a serious of questions in regards to extroversion vs introversion, intuition over sensing, thinking over feeling, and judging over perceiving. My results showed that I was a ENTJ, which I think is absurd because it defies what I see myself as.

I had previously taken a similar version of this test (16personalities) and I got INFJ and more recently ISTJ. I feel like my percentage for each letter is not very extreme, so my results can change based on my mood. I feel like I am definitely not an extrovert, and although 1% extroversion is not a lot, it is certainly more than I usually get, so I was really surprised. Perhaps this test is not as thorough as 16personalities in determining personality.

The All About You: Big Five Personality Test seemed to produce more accurate results. It was similar to the Jung test regarding the type of questions it would ask. It revealed that I had an extroversion of 29, conscientiousness of 58, negative emotionality of 56, agreeableness of 42,  and open-mindedness of 71, which were all out of 100 (0 being least, 100 being most). Although I do agree with me being an introvert, usually my spectrum depends on the situation I'm in and the people I'm with. These tests generally don't take that into account.

The Race Test surprised me too! I found out that I had a moderate automatic preference for African Americans over European Americans. The test made you use two keys (E and I) and made you press E for Af. American and I for Euro. American. Then they changed it to E for Af. American and good words and I for Euro. American for bad words. Then they switched the good and bad and tested you again. I do think this was caused by my mind not being able to cope with switching the keys in the second test and not remembering the new configeration.

The Gender test showed association between women and men with family and career. I got that I slightly associate men with career and women with family. I was slightly shocked by my results since most of my life my mom had been working and my dad was a stay at home dad. Its in a similar style as the Race test with two keys and pressing them for each category. 

And finally, the Attraction Test. I was given several photos of men and asked to rate them by attractiveness. The average rating of attractiveness for all the categories was 50 to give a guideline. So I found the counter-culture (rebelliousness) quality less attractive with a score of 45, seductiveness a 55, cheerfulness a 50, intelligence a 60, and trendy a 70. I was not really shocked at the results because I generally find people with good hygiene attractive and also value intelligence.

You can learn more about the validity of these tests by reading this article: How Accurate Are Personality Tests?

Friday, March 22, 2019

Color Psychology

This week, the sense I chose was vision, and I found an article relating color and mood.

Here is the article: color psychology.

The article first dives into the properties of color stating that white light is a combination of all the colors of the rainbow. Colors mix to create new colors like yellow and red creating orange, and some colors even cancel out each other (in the form of light) to create white like green and magenta. While color's effect on the mind can be subjective, some are universal. Warm colors (red, orange, yellow) create a spectrum from cozy to angry emotions, and cool colors (purple, blue, green) cause a spectrum from calm to sad emotions. In ancient times, color was used to heal in the form of chromotherapy; for example, red helped to increase circulation, blue soothed illness and pain, and orange increased energy. Color can also influence purchasing decisions; however, determining the exact effect of color on the mind needs more research.

I think this article makes perfect sense because we generally associate color with certain things. Blue is like the sky and bodies of water, and they both provoke calm emotions. I also think there is a link between color and purchasing power, especially in things that contain a story (books), since the color conveys the overall mood of the subject being bought.

Image result for eye

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Life story

So I was born in the Woodlands, Texas and lived there for about 2 years until my family moved to Spring, Texas. My first word was mama (age 1.5) and I started walking at the age of 1. My parents don't remember any of my other first, so that's about it haha. When I was a child I'd say that I was outgoing but didn't have a proper filter between my mind and mouth aka I was rude (I think most kids are tbh). I had a very normal Asian childhood. By that I mean getting good grades, taking instrument lessons (piano), taking dance lessons (ofc ballet and traditional Chinese dance), taking art lessons (the only thing I liked), taking other sports lessons (ice skating and swimming), and taking Chinese lessons. But eventually I convinced my parents to let me quit everything but art. In the summer between 6th and 7th grade, I moved to Sugar Land, TX where I attended Fort Settlement Middle school and now Dulles High school.

I plan on graduating high school in 2020 at Dulles High school. I want to either go to Carnegie Mellon university, rice university, or university of Texas (whichever accepts me lol). If I get into Carnegie Mellon, I was to join the design program to become a UX designer. If I go to rice or ut, I think I'll do a computer science degree. I'll just get a bachelors degree since college is way too expensive and I'll graduate in 2024. If I get married I'd like to before 30 and have two kids. My wedding will be on November 2nd at a flower garden. I'm not sure if I'll have kids because pregnancy scares me, so I might just adopt. One will be a boy and the other a girl and I'd like the girl to be older.  The girl will be names Phoebe and the guy will be named Aaron. I'll be a UX designer living in California and get lots of money. And then spend that money on buying an environmentally friendly house with solar panels and made out of recycled materials. At 60, I'll have a little mid-life crisis, quit my job, and I'll move to the French countryside to paint all day. Then I'll die at age 91 in my sleep. After I die I'll be a ghost and travel the world.

I found an article that describes mid-life crises: